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Reclining Buddha (涅槃像)in Boso

執筆者の写真: MichiMichi


You'll have to climb a rather steep unpaved road to visit the temple. Walking sticks are available at the foot of the mountain. After a several minutes climb, the temple master welcomes you.

He'll give you five incense sticks when you pay an admission fee of 500yen ( 400yen for 65 and over). When you walk a few steps, the huge reclining Buddha suddenly appears ahead of you.

The 16 meter long and 30t bronze stature was founded in 1982 and it represents Buddha after attaining the ultimate state of Nirvana, which is shown in the expression of complete peace on his face.

You'll burn the five incense sticks, offer them, and bow just in front of the reclining Buddha.

Then walk the spiral slopes with your hands clasped in prayer around the reclining Buddha three times clockwise. Consequently, you'll come to the bottom of the feet marked TENPORIN(転法輪) on them.

TENPORIN refers to transferring Buddhism's creed to Buddhist priests.

Bow and press your forehead and hands onto the marks, which is the right way of praying.

Since there's no roof over the statue of the reclining Buddha, you can pray peacefully surrounded by nature.

This is a ticket for seniors(65 and over).

Further information: please call 0470-28-2013


This is a map of Mantokuji Temple:


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